1·Transforming acid coiled-coil (TACC) proteins are a family of proteins characterized by a common coiled-coil motif of approximately 200 amino acids at the carboxy-terminal end (1).
2·The new ones should be inserted smoothly through the hot furnace with sufficient speed to insure that the aluminum is not melted off the terminal end but not so fast as to cause thermal shock.
3·Being the terminal end of generation and transmission, facing users directly, the power supplying quality and reliability of distribution system are of main significance to both users and grid.
4·The bulb shell is driven to the terminal end of the chain by the chain. When the receiving barrel is turned, the bulb shell which disengages from the receiving barrel falls into the sealing machine.
5·Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end labeling (TUNEL) technique were applied to deterimine the apoptotic cells.
6·Now, if you want to calculate the time that it takes to get close to terminal speed, that is not an easy task, because you are going to end up with a nasty differential equation.
7·They portray two old guys facing terminal illnesses who goad each other into accomplishing some long held fantasies as they stare down that long tunnel with the white light at the end.
8·There is clearly a growing demand in this country for a well regulated, legal right for people with terminal illness, who are mentally competent, to end their life if they choose to.
9·Digital TV is an end to end system whose signals need to be handled in digital in program collection, program production, program transmission and terminal receiver.
10·The signaling terminal at each end of the signaling data link contains the MTP Level 2 functionality for transmitting and receiving SS7 messages.
信令数据链路两端的信令终端包含用于传输和接收SS7 消息的、 MTP 第2 级的功能。